When addressing a child, a romantic partner, or a close friend or family member (usually younger) people often use these terms of endearment, also known as "pet names":
当我们叫孩子、伴侣、亲密朋友或者家里人(通常指比较年轻的)时经常会用到下面这些表达爱意的措辞,也叫做pet names(昵称):
•Honey (child, romantic partner, or younger person) (用于叫孩子、伴侣或者比自己年轻的人)
•Babe or Baby (romantic partner) (用于叫伴侣)
•Pal (father or grandfather calls male child) (父亲或祖父用来称呼男孩)
•Buddy or Bud (very informal between friends or adult-to-child; can be seen as negative)(朋友之间或者长辈对孩子的称呼,非常随意,可被认作有反面含义)