According to Daily Mail of August 28, Conrad hotels are offering a breathtaking suite at their Maldives Rangali Islands resort, which has to be seen to be believed. The hotel's 'Ithaa' restaurant, the domed 'reverse aquarium' is being converted into a special submerged bedroom in honour of the hotel's fifth anniversary. A night below the surface of the Indian Ocean would have to rank as the number one night to remember, and it's safe to say that this experience is not for the budget-minded。
据《每日邮报》8月28日报道,马尔代夫伦格里群岛的康拉德酒店日前推出了一套让人窒息、眼见才愿意相信的“海底婚房”。据了解,酒店为了庆祝开业 5周年,将以往的海底餐厅、圆顶“反向水族馆”改造成了特殊的水下卧室。在印度洋底度过一晚确实可算得数一数二的记忆,但还是奉劝那些勤俭节约人士不要考虑入住此地....。。