双语:错发邮件 惹麻烦

2010年09月07日10:54      爱思英语             _COUNT_人评论

  互联网技术的普及,便利快捷的电子邮件成为了人们工作交流的首选(top choice),然而,写错发送内容,选错发送对象,点错发送按钮,这些发送邮件时漫不经心的疏忽,往往带来不必要的麻烦,有时候甚至损失惨重。  

  One in 20 people have been reprimanded at work for sending an ill-advised email, according to a survey。


  Inappropriate jokes, angry messages sent in the heat of the moment, and scathing email replies forwarded to the wrong people are among some of the email gaffes that have landed office workers in hot water with their employers or clients。


  One in five of those questioned said they had sent an inappropriate email in the heat of the moment, while almost a third said they had accidentally hit “reply all” instead of “reply”。


  More than one in 10 of the 2,000 people surveyed admitted they had mistakenly sent an email criticising a colleague to the person they were insulting。


  According to the research, carried out to mark the DVD release of Going Postal, the television adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s novel, men were more likely to make an email gaffe than women, with 28 per cent admitting to sending an ill-judged message, compared to 17 per cent of women。


  There have been a number of well-documented email gaffes. Last year, a worker at Deloitte had to resign after emailing colleagues asking them to name the best-looking man in the office, while in 2000, nine members of the Financial Services Authority were suspended after forwarding copies of explicit emails。


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