According to the Daily Mail of September 8, an orangutan named "Oshine" at a hefty 15 and a half stone is put on a diet of fruit, yoghurt, lean meat and vegetables at a rescue center in UK。
Oshine arrived at the rescue centre from South Africa where she was kept as a pet since she was a baby. Keepers at Monkey World in Dorset hope the 13-year-old will be back to normal size within a few months and ready to try for her first baby。
英国每日邮报9月8日报道,英国一家营救中心,一只名叫"Oshine" 的大猩猩正在进行节食,每天吃的食物有水果、酸奶、瘦肉和蔬菜。
"Oshine" 还是婴儿期时就被南非一个家庭当做宠物来养,它最近来到了营救中心。位于多赛特的营救中心“猴子世界”希望13岁的它在未来几个月能够恢复到正常的体重,并为将来的宝宝做准备。