原标题  双语:南极现百年前水果蛋糕 包装完好“可食用”


  100-year-old fruitcake believed to be from the Scott expedition has been found in a nearly “edible” state in the Antarctic。


  The cake, wrapped in paper and stored inside a rusted tin, was found in the Antarctic’s oldest building, a hut on Cape Adare。


  It is believed to have been brought to the Antarctic by British explorer Robert Falcon Scott, during his Terra Nova expedition between 1910 and 1913。


  The brand of the cake, Huntley & Palmers, was known to be a favourite of Scott, who successfully led his team to the South Pole in 1912 from the base hut。

  这个蛋糕的品牌Huntley & Palmers,据说是斯科特的最爱,他在1912年成功地带领他的团队从大本营来到南极。

  It was found during a two-year conservation project by the Antarctic Heritage Trust, who said it “looked and smelt (almost) edible”。


  With just two weeks to go on the conservation of the Cape Adare artefacts, finding such a perfectly preserved fruitcake in amongst the last handful of unidentified and severely corroded tins was quite a surprise, Lizzie Meek, the programme manager for artefacts at the Trust, said。

  “在仅有两周时间来保护阿代尔角的活动中,在最后一批严重腐蚀的罐头中发现了这样一个保存完好的水果蛋糕,这让人大吃一惊。”信托基金的项目经理Lizzie Meek说。

  It’s an ideal high-energy food for Antarctic conditions, and is still a favourite item on modern trips to the Ice。


  The cake has been returned to the hut, along with other restored artefacts。


  Scott and all four members of his team died on their return journey from the South Pole to the base on the Terra Nova。
