Our body is a perfect mechanism where lots of things happen at the same time。 And sometimes it gives us signs that it needs help which, if ignored, can lead to health issues。


  Dryness of the skin may signify a lack of vitamin E。 Therefore, you should eat more vegetables, oil, nuts, and fish。 If you suddenly feel a strong desire to have something sweet, then stress, depression, or exhaustion may be the cause。 Your body is asking for glucose。 Oblige it, and to avoid gaining weight, better have some dark chocolate or honey。


  If you find yourself wanting to eat some ice, then you may have anemia — iron deficiency。 The best sources of iron are beef, eggs, and molluscs。 However, it’s still better to consult a doctor if you want to eat ice and lack energy。 Sudden or constant bleeding of your gums when you brush your teeth is a telltale sign of a vitamin C deficiency。 Include the following products in your meals: citrus fruits, spinach, green and red bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli。

  如果你发现自己特别想吃一些冰的东西,那么你可能有缺铁性贫血。富含铁的食物有牛肉,鸡蛋,和软体动物。不过, 如果你想吃冰同时又疲惫无力,那最好还是去看看医生。刷牙时有突发或经常性的牙龈出血是一个缺乏维生素C的警示信号。这时你需要在你的三餐中添加以下食品:柑橘类水果,菠菜,绿、红甜椒,西红柿,卷心菜,花菜和西兰花。

  A Greek foot or a “Morton’s toe” is a longer second toe on your foot, and that could be a cause of callusing and/or discomfort on the ball of the foot at the base of the second toe。 It could also make your footwear really uncomfortable, so you will need to watch out for a certain type and style。
