职场口语 和各国客户沟通的十大技巧(2)

2010年07月23日09:21      中国教育在线             _COUNT_人评论

碰到头衔是Director,Vice President等职务的买家,要多说一些战略性的东西
碰到头衔是Director,Vice President等职务的买家,要多说一些战略性的东西

  6.假如你有幸碰到头衔是Director,Vice President等职务的买家,要多说一些战略性的东西。这些人来展会不是为了1个柜2个柜来的。他们很多是来找战略性伙伴的(Strategic Partners)。所以你要有放长线钓大鱼的功力。假如你自己工厂实力可以的话,要主动的邀请这些人访问你的工厂。这些职位的人很多学历很高,有些人有 MBA background. 所以,有点喜欢听比较酸的话。这些人开口闭口就是:value, global supply chain, private label, costs, partnership,bottom line等等。你可以这样说:

  We are one of the top 3 private label suppliers in the global market. Our producing capacity is more than 50,000,000,000,000/units each week. Furthermore, you know, the knowledge and the know-how sometimes is more important than the machines and equipments. Fortunately, we have accumulated enough producing and management know-how from our long-term co-operation with XXXX company. I am sure we can help you to reduce your international sourcing costs, we can help you to increase your bottom line. just let me know how I can create value。

  7.客户有权利问你很多问题,其实你也是有权利问客户的。下列问题你可是试着问问看,对你了解客户好处多多:How can you evaluate your suppliers? 很多客户不愿意直接回答你,因为确实太难了,你可以补充一句, just generally speaking, not the detailed principles. What's your purchasing plan for next season?

  假如是零售商:How many stores does your company have?

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