
2010年08月11日12:06      沪江英语             _COUNT_人评论

  Whether or not the US economy has hit a recession, one thing is clear these days: Uncertainty is in the air, and it affects nearly every economic sector, including the job market。


  Adjust Your Approach?


  “The unemployment rate has risen, but it is not at a point that should cause job seekers to panic,”says John Challenger, CEO of outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc. “Even at 5.2% or 5.3%, there is still demand for workers. Those seeking jobs in construction or mortgage lending might have a more difficult time finding employment, but we have not seen a significant downturn in hiring in other sectors。”

  再就业公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas的首席执行官John Challenger说:“失业率上升了,但还没有到引起求职者恐慌的地步。即便失业率在5.2%-5.3%,依然还有人员需求。建筑业和抵押贷款行业的求职者日子是不好过了,不过其它行业的人才需求还不至于太低迷。”

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