职场秘籍:低迷时期求职者如何调整策略 (2)

2010年08月11日12:06      沪江英语             _COUNT_人评论


  Alexandra Levit, author of “They Don't Teach Corporate in College,”suggests job seekers may want to alter their approach due to economic uncertainties。

  《企业那些事,学校教不了》一书作者Alexandra Levit建议求职者在面临经济不确定时改变找工作的策略。

  “Perhaps this means earning a paycheck at your current job while conducting interviews over your lunch break or doing volunteer work on the weekend that might lead to a paid gig,” she says. “If you are currently unemployed, you may have to settle for a situation that's not 100% ideal in order to keep yourself afloat through the downturn。”


  David Bach, a workforce development specialist in San Francisco, says job seekers can “improve their competitive edge by becoming more aware of the top ongoing employers。” Fields that are less affected by the evolving economy -- such as education, health care, and energy -- make an ideal focus right now, he adds。

  旧金山劳动发展专家David Bach说,求职者能“对那些热门雇主多加关注,提高自己的竞争优势”。他还说,可以赶紧关注那些受经济变化影响较少的领域,例如教育、医疗和能源。

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