职场秘籍:低迷时期求职者如何调整策略 (3)

2010年08月11日12:06      沪江英语             _COUNT_人评论


  Tips for Reaching Your Goal


  Experts recommend the following actions to increase your job-search success in an uncertain economic climate。


  Tailor your presentations; don't be generic. “In developing a resume and other promotions materials, think about how your current skills and talents apply directly to the responsibilities you'll hold in the new job,” says Levit。


  “Create a target list of companies,” says career coach Julie Jansen, author of “You Want Me to Work with Who?” She suggests sending the list to 25 people, asking them if they can put you in touch with an employee at one of the listed companies。

  职业教练、《你想要我在哪家公司工作》一书作者Julie Jansen说:“列出一张目标公司清单” ,将这张清单发送给25个人,并问问他们是否能让你和所列出公司的一位雇员取得联系。

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