


2012年12月10日09:17      沪江英语             _COUNT_人评论


  1.Don't Arrive Late1.别迟到

  The early stage of a party offers a great chance to chat with senior executives in a relaxed atmosphere before it all gets too hectic。早早到会场可以给你一个绝佳的机会,在闲适的氛围下与高层交流,人都到了气氛就太热了。

  2.Don't Be a Wallflower2.别当背景墙

  Don't sit in the corner and chat with the people you work with every single day. Branch out and introduce yourself to people in other departments. You never know who could help you move up the ladder。别坐在角落里与你每天共事的同事聊天。交往圈子可以扩大,把自己介绍给其他部门的职员。你永远不会知道谁将助你攀上职业高峰。

  3.Don't Lose Control3.别忘乎所以

  If alcohol is served, enjoy a drink or two, not 12. Getting bombed at a company-sponsored event may not get you fired, but it will make you the butt of jokes and could have a lasting negative effect。如果年会上提供酒饮料,喝1到2杯即可,而不是12杯。在公司举办的活动中,各种自毁形象虽然不会被炒,但会让你沦为笑柄,会产生持续的负面影响。

  4.Don't Tell Racy Jokes4.别说不雅的笑话

  No matter how much the atmosphere loosens up as the evening proceeds, there will still be people who can be offended--and who will remember it the next day。不管年会的氛围有多轻松,依旧会有人因为不合适的话被冒犯,也会有人记得发生的一切。

  5.Don't Flirt5.别调情

  The office party is a no-flirting zone. Even if you think you're just playful with an attractive colleague, your behavior risks being construed as sexual harassment。公司派对不是调情的场所。即使你觉得自己只是和迷人的异性同事开玩笑,你的举动会被解释成性侵犯。

  6.Don't Speechify About How You'd Run the Company6.别对公司运作大放厥词

  It's been a frustrating year, and you think you could do a better job than the boss. Keep that to yourself。今年的形势不佳,你觉得自己可以比上司做的更好。但这种念头还是自己想想吧。

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