


2013年01月04日09:34      沪江英语             _COUNT_人评论

  Shannon Magee, 17, suffers from a rare neurological disorder which means she can sleep for 22 hours a day for almost a fortnight. She also has bizarre episodes - roughly once a month - where she will belt out pop songs at the top of her voice, walk around naked and have ghostly hallucinations while she sleeps。


  For the past five years, the youngster, who has two brothers and three sisters, has slept through birthdays, Christmases, family holidays including a skiing trip to the Alps and even her GCSE exams。


  Shannon was seen by various doctors before finally being diagnosed with Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) after her father. There are only 45 people in the UK who have the condition, which is a complex neurological disorder characterised by periods of excessive amounts of sleep and altered behaviour。



  The teenager wants to become a nurse so she can help others, but is worried her condition will get in the way of her dream. Shannon, a college student in Bolton, Greater Manchester said: “It is like being awake in a coma. It takes part of your life away with it. 'It's like I'm in my own little world and I don't recognise people. When I'm awake it's like I'm sleepwalking。”


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