You're moving up on the job, thanks to your hard work and rockin' ideas. It never hurts to make a few allies along the way, though. We picked the brains of a few powerful women and career experts to get their advice on work friends you need to have to help advance your career。
1. The Interns实习生
The interns might just be students now, but think five or 10 years down the road. They'll eventually be your colleagues-and might eventually be your "in" at a dream company。
2. The Office Gossip 办公室里的八卦精
You know the type-she spends working hours doing everything but work. She might annoy the crap out of you, but she knows stuff-like who's leaving, who's being promoted-that you can use to strategize your own move up in the company。
You don't have to chime in-nor should you-when she dishes. But definitely listen up when she talks。
3. The I.T. Person 信息技术人员
Being the I.T. person at any company is a pretty thankless job-after all, you probably only talk to them when you need your computer fixed. Get friendly with them, though: You'll get your requests processed faster-and they'll probably give you a few tips to keep it from happening again, leaving you more time to wow your boss。