


2012年12月17日10:54      沪江英语             _COUNT_人评论

  4. The Office Manager 办公室经理

  Like the work gossip, being friendly with the office manager means you'll get the inside scoop about upcoming job openings and other happenings in the office. She also orders everything for the office-including the goods you need to make it through a challenging project-so she should be your new BFF.


  5. The Developer 开发者

  You have this great idea for a new software program that is sure to make bank for the company, but it requires a ton of legwork to get up and running. The problem? The development team-like I.T.-always has a ton of projects running. Get on a first-name basis with the team and your projects might get bigger priority over others.


  Another benefit? Developers work closely with the management team and they might put in a good word about your project.


  6. The Male Colleague 男同事

  We're all for making nice with the women in your company, but getting the perspective of a trusted-and platonic-male co-worker can give you the different perspective you need to work through problems in your job.


  7. The Boss's Assistant 老板助理

  Want a chance at that cushy corner office? You need to get in good with the boss' assistant. This super-organized colleague knows everything about her boss's schedule-and your meetings won't happen without her. Heck, she'll even bump you up the calendar if she likes you enough.


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