英语六级翻译 名师解析真题归纳备考重点

2012年05月10日06:00      新东方在线             _COUNT_人评论


  82.You shouldn’t have run across the road without looking.You(也许会被车撞倒的)。

  解析:这道题基本上是每年必考的语法点,虚拟语气;而且题目和2008年6月六级的第83题几乎完全一致。答案:would have been knocked down by a car.

  83.By no means(他把自己当成专家)although he knows a lot about the field.

  解析:这道题目考察否定前置和倒装句,历史上,2010.6.84、2007.12.86、2008.6.85都曾经考察——再次证明,六级翻译的考点是高度重复的!答案:should he regard himself as an expert.

  84.He doesn’t appreciate the sacrifice his friends have made for him.(把他们所做的视作理所当然)。


  and he takes it for granted.

  85.Janet told me that she would rather her mother(不干涉她的婚姻)。

  解析:本题考察时态,一般完成时,时态一致;答案:not have interfered with her marriage.

  86.To keep up with the expanding frontiers of scholarship,Edward Wilson found himself(经常上网查找信息)。

  本题考察的是感官动词find+宾语+宾补(现在分词)的考点,2009年6月第86题考过类似的题目。答案:often searching for information on the Internet.

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