
2011年04月13日08:57      帮考网             _COUNT_人评论

  "What is clear is that the locations where salaries may not be as high, suchas Canada and Australia, are where expats are really enjoying not only an increased quality of life but are also finding it easy to fit in to their new communities."

  Last year Germany, Canada and Spain were the top three countries deemed to have the best lifestyle for expats。

  This year Britain was one of the lowest ranked locations when it came to lifestyle after being named as one of the most expensive places for expats with the recession taking its toll。

  About 44 percent of expats in Britain are considering returning home, compared with only 15 percent of expats overall。

  About 41 percent of expats in Britain find it difficult to find somewhere to live, most find the quality of their accommodation drops after moving to Britain, and a third claim their health has deteriorated since moving there。

  "Despite this, the UK does hold the crown for being expat entertainment capital of the world, with over half (58 percent) of expats in the UK saying that the quality of entertainment had increased," said Taylor。

  She added that 62 percent of expats also said that employment prospects were the main reason keeping them in the region。

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