Baby,she was born this way!
Lady Gaga revealed what's hiding under all the layers of false eyelashes and brightly colored lipstick via Twitter on Monday,when she sent out a pic of her completely makeup-free.
“Have a beautiful day!”the star,who turns 26 on Wednesday,posted alongside her fresh-faced photo.
Her toned-down look channels the“Born This Way”singer's recent vow of laying low and going under the radar for a while.
“Other than this interview,Oprah,I do not intend to speak to anyone for a very long time,”the pop superstar explained during Oprah's Next Chapter:Lady Gaga,which aired March 18.
“The latest thing I do is I don't read a damn thing,”she added about limiting her media intake.“No press, no television,if my mom calls and says,‘Did you hear about?’I don't want to know nothing about anything that is going on in relation to music.I shut it all off.”
3月28日是Lady Gaga的26周岁生日。日前,她一改往日的搞怪路线,在个人推特大方晒出了自己的素颜照,引起了网友们的极大关注。褪去华丽妆容的Gaga犹如邻家女孩,让人眼前一亮。
在不久前接受欧普拉的访问时,Lady Gaga就提到了自己这些年随着走红而面临的巨大压力。毫无私人空间,还有无尽的流言蜚语,因此她决定暂时退出媒体的风口浪尖,低调的过一段日子。看来,这次晒素颜照也算是Gaga对于低调生活的一种期盼吧。