

俄罗斯超大钻石矿曝光 供全球3千年需求

2012年09月20日10:03      沪江英语             _COUNT_人评论
俄罗斯超大型钻石矿曝光 俄罗斯超大型钻石矿曝光

  Russia is about to start tapping into a huge source of diamonds that could supply the world market for the next 3,000 years。

  Scientists estimate there are 'trillions of carats' lying beneath a 35million-year-old asteroid crater in Siberia - more than ten times the global stockpile。

  The Kremlin has known about the reserves under the 62-mile-wide impact zone since the 1970s。

  But it has kept it a secret until now because it was already reaping big profits in what back then was a heavily controlled market。

  The official news agency, ITAR-Tass, said the diamonds at the site, known as Popigai Astroblem, are 'twice as hard' as the usual gemstones, making them ideal for industrial and scientific uses。

  According to The Christian Science Monitor, the institute's director, Nikolai Pokhilenko, told the agency that the new source would cause a radical shake-up in the precious stones market。

  The stones at Popigai are known as 'impact diamonds' which result when an object like a meteor strikes an existing diamond deposit。

  They are also unique, which will make them even more sought-after in high-precision scientific and industrial markets。

  Diamond production was booming in Russia in 2007 when output reached $1.35billion, 98 per cent of which was exported to Belgium, Israel, South-east Asia and the USA。

  But the bottom fell out in 2009 when polished diamond production fell to an unprecedented low of US$350 million during the economic crisis。

  With world markets starting to show signs of resilience, this may explain why Russia has chosen now to reveal its hidden treasure。




  “珀匹盖”的钻石又被称为“冲击钻石”,是类似陨石一样的物体撞击现有钻石矿后形成的产物。它的硬度是普通宝石的两倍,因此在工业和科研方面的 应用价值特别高。上周末,俄罗斯官员与媒体会面时表示,政府将允许位于该矿附近的新西伯利亚地质与矿物学研究院的科学家揭开这个宝藏神秘的面纱。



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