
2011年03月28日09:04      帮考网             _COUNT_人评论



  Hot money, because of its speculative purpose and uncertain flow, is under strict control or crackdown throughout the world. As for China, why is the government highly vigilant to combat it? Firstly, hot money is detrimental to the formulation and implementation of the monetary policy. With capital accounts still under control in China, the risk hot money poses mainly lies in the impact on exchange rate. To maintain the stability of exchange rate in the backdrop of hot money constantly pouring in, the central bank has to buy in a great amount of foreign funds, and thus money supply is considerably augmented. Moreover, to curb the inflow of hot money by increasing its cost, RMB has to be devaluated. The above two measures, however, leads to a surging liquidity in the market, which in turn may result in inflation and overheated economy。

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