
2011年04月06日09:52      食品伙伴网             _COUNT_人评论


  Sometimes people forget that English is used in many other parts of the world too, not only in the USA, where Chuck is from。

  Where I live, i.e. Sydney Australia, people call Chinese dumplings "Chinese dumplings"; ravioli would be odd, actually。

  Most people say "trousers", not just the Chinese do that。

  As for 厕所, you say "the toilet" or "the bathroom"; "restroom" sounds funny and old fashioned。

  面条 is precisely "noodles"; pasta refers to Italian food, not Chinese。

  "delicious" and "famous" are perfectly ok; although knowing other synonyms would help。

  As for "information", it doesn't mean 宣传 at all。

  See what I mean? Chinglish is certainly not desirable; but Americanism is not the solution。

  The problem with Chuck's article lies in his failure to differentiate errors that are often made by Chinese, e.g. "welcome you to", and "very like", from variations of English. In other words, he equates correct English words as wrong simply because they are not used where he's from。

  That's what I call arrogance - thinking one's own dialect is the standard of the world。

  It's unhelpful for English learners because it causes much confusion。

  It's inexcusable for someone who is teaching English at university but is so lacking in knowledge about English as a global language。

  propaganda ③ information

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