Our daily life is full of unproductive habits and rituals that we execute– whether on a conscious or unconscious level. This makes us less efficient and productive than we could potentially be. Here are some unproductive habits that you should let go:
1. Consuming the information you don’t need 1、看没用的讯息
Unsubscribe from as many mailing lists as you can. This way you can cut down the amount of incoming e-mails and prevent distraction。
Also, stop watching news. If there is an event that is newsworthy, it will catch you anyway (mostly by other people)。
2. Letting others to run your life 2、为别人而活
Steve Jobs said it right: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life。”
You are the master of your life and it is a shame if you live your life by pleasing others。
Naturally, it is wise to listen for advice from other people every now and then. However, ignore those people who say you can’t reach your dreams。
3. Reinventing the wheel 3、做重复性工作
Before you start working on your task or project, spend some time on research to find out if there are already solutions that help you to complete your task faster。