Wang Renmei was born into a scholarly family in 1914. At the age of 13, she joined the Bright Moon Troupe. The record-breaking film "Song of the Fisherman" established Wang as a household name, and her bold screen persona gained her the nickname Wild Cat. In the film, she played a character quite similar to herself in many ways. Her outgoing and bold personality was a hit with movie-goers. After her marriage to Jin Yan, also a famous film actor, her career went downhill. Her company would not renew the contract, claiming that as a married woman she could not be as popular. The pressures of the marriage also played a part in her professional decline. In 1985, Wang Renmei's memoir "My Rise to Fame and Unhappiness" about her life in the Shanghai film industry during the 1930s was published. She died after falling into a vegetative state in 1987 at age 73.
在旧上海繁 华奢靡的浮光掠影中,一个模糊的形象渐渐清晰,她就是王人美,一个在当时以“野猫”之名而享誉影坛的明星。她主演的电影《渔光曲》堪称百年中国电影的经 典;她演唱的歌曲《铁蹄下的歌女》七十多年传唱不息;她和旧上海红极一时的影帝金焰的婚恋至今扑逆迷离。而在晚年她总结自己一生的时候,却把成名看成是一 生的不幸。
在电影《渔 光曲》中,“小猫”王人美在波光万顷的海面上撒网捕鱼的情景已成为百年中国电影的经典镜头,那片明亮的香云,伴随着她在影片中演唱的主题歌,持续飘香了七 十余年而不衰。《渔光曲》的问世,在当时的中国电影界引起了巨大的反响,《渔光曲》首次在银幕上展示了那个年代中国底层劳动人民的悲苦人生。红颜王人美, 她由此遗留下来的沉香离民间最近,离我们心情最近。
Pan Yuliang was a female painter known in China more for her legendary life than her artistic achievements. Born in 1895, Pan was sold to a brothel at 13 where she later met Pan Zanhua, a customs official. Pan bought her out and married her as a concubine. She started learning painting from their neighbor and was admitted to Shanghai Art Institute, becoming its first female student. After studying in Paris, Pan returned in 1929 after receiving an invitation to teach at Shanghai Art School. She left Shanghai for France again in 1937 and settled down in Paris. She was selected by the overseas Chinese artists in France to be the chairman of the Chinese Art Association. She died in 1977 in Paris, and her works were sent back to China in 1985. Her works are now in a collection at China National Art Gallery in Beijing and Anhui Provincial Museum in Hefei。
如果说黄莺 莺的女人香是从歌声中流淌出来的,那么潘玉良的女人香就是从油彩中飘散出来的。从妓女到小妾到画家,她非同寻常的人生际遇,就像一幅充满了谜语的油画,仿 佛带着蒙娜丽莎般的蛊惑魅力让人魂牵梦绕,回味无穷。而从油彩中散发出来的凝香,竟然让一座城市、一个年代沉湎其中,久久不肯梦醒。
电视剧《画 魂》讲述了潘玉良的那段传奇人生:青楼出身的潘玉良十八岁后在两位男人的帮助下走上了艺术之路,并在艺术之都巴黎登峰造极,成为享誉中西的大画家,这绝对 是一个异数,更准确地说是一段传奇。与此同时,她终其一生也都挣扎在这两位男人和另一位女人的情感漩涡中,无意依靠却又难以割舍,最后一个人孤独地离世。