Zhang Ailing, born in Shanghai in 1920 to a renowned family, was a writer. Her works frequently deal with the tensions between men and women in love and are considered to be among the best Chinese literature. Even in secondary school, Zhang Ailing already displayed great talent in literature. Her writings were published in the school magazine. In 1939, Zhang received a scholarship to study at the University of London, though she passed on the opportunity because of war in China. She then went on to study literature in the University of Hong Kong. Zhang died from cardiovascular disease in 1995 at the age of 75. Her well-knonw works include Eighteen Springs and Lust, Caution。
初读张爱玲,大 多都在那个似懂非懂的年龄,是看不出什么的。只是那种朦朦胧胧的旧上海的小资,象那杯咖啡,蔓延开来,充满整个心情;再读张爱玲,感慨于那句名言:出名要 趁早啊……原来在她的洞察世故的冷目之后,也有此感慨!三读张爱玲,心情来自她的情感世界,在看似坚强、高傲的张爱玲背后,一个的情路坎坷,再多的高傲也 只能化为无奈。于是,张爱玲精心点燃的那炉香,总会在夜深人静的时候,熏湿了若干年后你我的眼睛,那刻的红颜沉香,竟是如此的深重。
Ruan Lingyu, born in 1910, is one of the most prominent Chinese film stars of the 1930s. Her first screen appearance in 1927 was in the film "Husband and Wife in Name." In spite of her lack of formal education, she was diligent and scrupulous in every detail of her acting. Contrast to her success on the screen, her personal life was a tragedy. She fell in love with Zhang Damin, the young master of the house her mother worked, before starting her film career. But in a class-divided society they could not marry. Their relationship deteriorated when she became a successful actress. She later left Zhang and lived with a businessman, Tang Jishan. Zhang created a scandal when he sued Tang for damage in the 1930s, and Ruan was hounded by the tabloid press. Under severe pressure, Ruan poisoned herself with an overdose of barbiturates in Shanghai in 1935, at the age of 25.
1926年,迫 于生计的阮玲玉出任影片《挂名夫妻》女主角,一举成名。1929年,阮玲玉主演影片《故都春梦》,扮演妓女燕燕获得成功,奠定了她在影坛的地位。阮玲玉表 演艺术的黄金时期是上世纪三十年代中期,她先后主演了《三个摩登女性》、《小玩意》、《城市之夜》、《神女》、《新女性》等很有影响的影片……阮玲玉演技 具有丰富的激情又不失纯真、强烈而又细腻熟练、朴素而自然,丝毫没有雕凿的痕迹,于是,中国“葛丽泰·嘉宝”的美誉不胫而走。