


2012年09月13日09:30      沪江英语             _COUNT_人评论

  Let’s face it - men have been born with the tendency to forget their girlfriend’s birthdays. So even if she lets him get away with not noticing new haircuts, or new clothes; she would definitely throw him down the Empire State Building if he forgets her birthday! This guide will thus stand as a ‘go-to’ to aid lost souls who are wondering what to get their girlfriend on her birthday. 面对事实吧:男人生来就是容易忘记他们女朋友的生日。即使女友能原谅你没有注意到她的新发型、新衣服,但若是忘记她生日,那一定会毫不犹豫地把他扔下帝国大厦!本文的生日礼物指南,就是要给那些不知道女友生日该送什么的无助小伙们一点点小帮助。

  1. Jewellery 珠宝

  If the girlfriend is the high maintenance type (please spot them early to maintain sanity, thanks!) the gift of jewellery will get him in her good graces permanently. 如果女友眼光很高(拜托保持清醒,早些认清)一件珠宝会让她长久地关注他。

  2. Clothes 衣服

  This is the safest option for all types of girls. Girls love clothes. One can get her a nice t-shirt with a cute print on it, or a sweatshirt, if she’s a sports buff. 这是适合不同类型女生最保险的礼物选择了,女孩们都爱衣服。你可以送她一件印有可爱图案的T恤,如果她是运动达人那就送她一件运动衫吧。

  3. Weekend Getaway 周末旅行

  Although slightly upscale on the economic front, a getaway to some place will provide some quality time together. It doesn’t have to be an expensive overseas trip; some place quiet will work well too. Food. Room Service. Togetherness. Heaven, is it not? 虽然会有些财政吃紧,但一同旅行的经历绝对会是一段美好的时光。不需要很贵的海外之旅,宁静美好足矣。美食、周到的客房服务,这些加在一起不就是天堂吗?

  4. Books 书籍

  If one’s girlfriend happens to be the bookish type, giving her a great book to read will make her the happiest. Make sure one knows the type of books the girlfriend is interested in and the kind of authors she likes. The best gift ever, would be to give her a book she has been pining for or something of collector’s value. 如果你的女友恰好是个书虫,那么送她一本好书肯定能让她欣喜不已。要保证是她感兴趣的类型和她喜欢的作家。最好的当然就是那本她已经渴望许久的或是很有收藏价值的书啦。

  5. Technology 电子产品

  If the girlfriend is a tech-freak, giving her the latest gadget might be the best decision of one’s life. If the girlfriend is a gaming freak (you lucky dog, you!) one could gift an Xbox or a PlayStation and spend the rest of the day playing games. Bliss! 如果女友是“技术控”,那送她最新产品将是你一生中最正确的决定了。而如果她是“游戏控”(兄弟你太幸运了!),送她一款Xbox或是PlayStation游戏机吧,然后跟她一起玩上一天!真欢乐啊!

  6. Flowers/Chocolates 鲜花和巧克力

  The classic gift idea never fails. A bunch of her favourite flowers, or if one doesn’t know her favourites - roses can save the day; and a box of chocolates will melt her heart to a puddle. 经典的永远不会错。送一束她爱的花,要是你不知道她爱什么,那就让玫瑰来拯救你。一盒巧克力同样也会融化她的心。

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