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2012年08月01日06:00      沪江英语网             _COUNT_人评论

  Gary Connery leapt 150 metres from a helicopter wearing a peach-coloured dress identical to the one worn by the monarch when she attended the Olympic opening ceremony。

  身着与女王出席奥运开幕式时同样的桃色连衣裙,Gary Connery 从150米高空的直升机上跳了下来。

  It was part of an elaborate sequence to create the impression that Her Majesty had jumped into the Olympic stadium with James Bond。


  Moments after Connery had landed and was ushered out of view, the real Queen Elizabeth appeared in the royal box to rapturous applause. Yesterday Connery, 43, from Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, west of London said: “It was a very sort of British moment。


  “In the helicopter prior to the run-in we were joking and laughing. When the door opened about 30 seconds before the jump, I remember looking out beyond the stadium and seeing what looked like some kind of hospitality tent, a garden party that was going on。


  “I remember capturing that as an image and thinking, wow, those people are going to see the most amazing thing in a minute and they don't know it's coming. We did very well keeping it under wraps. I heard the cheer from the stadium which was wonderful. I've never experienced that before. It was indescribable。”


  He added: “From my perspective, I'll always have been the Queen who jumped into the 2012 Olympic Games and that never changes. I'm honoured to have been given the opportunity to do it。”


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